Many can vouch for the benefits of getting a massage from either a professional or at home, whether professional or amateur. Massage involves manipulating skin and muscles in various ways to soothe and relax them.
One study suggests scalp massages help increase blood flow, stimulate hair growth, and ease stress levels. One of their other advantages was stimulating dormant hair follicles for faster regrowth.
Increased Blood Circulation
A scalp massage can improve blood flow to your hair follicles, condition the locks, and strengthen their roots while relieving stress levels – essential components for healthy hair growth.
Kneading and friction provided by massage can warm the skin and expand blood vessels, increasing absorption rates for nutrients that could potentially result in faster hair growth and healthier hair.
Researchers discovered in one study that scalp massages could increase the thickness of hair follicles for men with androgenic alopeciai, potentially due to increased blood circulation or direct stimulation and stretching of dermal papilla cells by massaging. No matter their cause, scalp massages have long been known to stimulate new hair growth as well as improve existing thinning hair appearance.
Massage helps your body circulate oxygen and nutrients while getting rid of carbon dioxide, toxins and excess water; this ensures you stay healthy while strengthening your immunity system.
A scalp massage is an excellent way to relieve stress. We store tension in our heads, necks and shoulders that often leads to headaches; massaging these areas relieves this tension, helping prevent headaches and migraines altogether.
A scalp massage may stimulate hair growth by improving circulation and nourishing skin and hair. According to studies, massage has also been proven effective at helping those suffering from Alopecia Areata prevent hair loss and stimulate regrowth (2). Studies also demonstrate the use of essential oils as part of a scalp massage can induce mechanical stress on human dermal papilla cells (hDPCs), leading to changes in gene expression which will ultimately result in hair thickness increases (3). You can either use your fingertips or an electric scalp massager when performing one!
No matter your hair goal – thick locks or thickening existing locks – scalp massage is your solution. A relaxing and consistent scalp massage can relieve tension across the hairline, neck and behind ears; in turn it reduces blood pressure, stress hormone levels and heart rate.
Studies have demonstrated that each hair on your head begins its life in a hair follicle located just beneath the surface of your skin. Massage therapy has been found to cause these follicles to expand and encourage thicker growth of hair from them.
Researchers recently conducted a study which demonstrated how just four minutes of scalp massage per day can result in thicker hair for participants after 24 weeks of usage. Stretching forces from massage caused changes in gene expression of human dermal papilla cells (hDPCs), such as IL6, NOGGIN, BMP4 and SMAD4 genes related to hair cycle regulation. Finite element analysis demonstrated how massage caused mechanical stress within subcutaneous tissues.
Improved Sleep
A scalp massage is an ideal way to ease tension in the neck, back, and shoulders while simultaneously stimulating blood circulation and awakening dormant hair follicles for healthy hair growth. By massaging with fingers or an electric scalp massager regularly on your head you can help alleviate migraine headaches, reduce dandruff build-up, enhance skin complexion, and strengthen hair strength.
Studies show that massage significantly decreases cortisol, the stress hormone which prevents sleep. Furthermore, massage raises serotonin levels which helps regulate circadian rhythms and promote sound sleeping habits.
Study results revealed that regular scalp massages increased hair thickness for men suffering from androgenic alopecia, an autoimmune condition causing progressive hair loss that can eventually lead to total baldness. Furthermore, massaging the scalp stimulated regeneration of hair follicles and promoted new growth; hence it has become recommended for patients who have lost significant amounts of their locks as well as those looking to promote healthy hair growth.